
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Henry Ford, Protokol Zionis, Emas dan Umat Islam Masakini

Dalam seminar-seminar yang terdahulu, kisah Henry Ford dan Protokol Zionis ini pernah disebut oleh penceramah tentang Dinar, seperti saudara Abdul Halim. Kali ini kami ingin mengupas semula kisah ini untuk tatapan pembaca blog ini yang tidak berkesempatan menghadiri seminar-seminar ini supaya anda lebih mengetahui kisah tersirat disebalik kejadian-kejadian yang berlaku disekeliling kita.

Siapa yang tidak kenal Henry Ford? Insan terkemuka yang namanya menjadi jenama kereta dan kenderaan berkualiti ini merupakan indusrialis terkenal dunia kerana berjaya memperkenalkan pengeluaran kereta secara besar-besaran di dunia. Beliau lahir di Michigan, USA pada 30 Julai, 1863 dan menjadi kebanggaan rakyat Amerika Syarikat atas usaha beliau memartabatkan industri kereta dan kenderaan. Sehingga kini, kita masih dapat melihat kereta berjenama Ford di jalanan-jalanan tidak kira di negara mana sekalipun. Tetapi kenapa dengan beliau yang layak diperkatakan di blog ini?

Didalam buku beliau yang bertajuk “The International Jew” beliau mendiskusi satu isu penting yang banyak tidak diketahui ramai, terutamanya umat Islam. Buku yang diterjemah dalam 16 bahasa ini diedarkan dibanyak negara termasuk di Eropah, Amerika Selatan dan Timur Tengah. Pada suatu ketika, buku ini hilang dipasaran, tetapi kini, buku ini mula dicetak dengan rancak di banyak negara. Sebagai contoh, dalam kunjungan kami ke kedai-kedai buku di Malaysia, buku ini mula terjual dengan meluasnya, contohnya di Kunikuniya, KLCC. Malahan buku ini telah diberi nafas baru dengan diletakkan ucapan Ariel Sharon di kulit depannya.

Tadi Henry Ford, sekarang “The International Jew”, apa kaitannya di sini? Didalam buku ini sebenarnya Henry Ford menyuarakan ketidakpuasan hatinya terhadap pihak-pihak yang cuba mengawal negaranya, iaitu Amerika Syarikat di awal 1900. Beliau mengupas satu gerakan rahsia yang dilakukan pihak Zionis untuk mengawal Amerika Syarikat pada waktu itu dan seterusnya menakluk dunia. Beliau mendedahkan gerakan Zionis yang tercatat dalam “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” atau dikenali sebagai Protokol Zionis. Terdapat banyak perbincangan yang mengatakan Protokol ini tidak wujud atau satu konspirasi untuk menjatuhkan Yahudi, tetapi menurut Henry Ford, segala perancangan yang disebut dalam Protokol ini seperti benar-benar berlaku dan perkara yang berlaku disekeliling kita bertepatan dengan rancangan mereka. Takkanlah ini satu kebetulan?

Walaupun Henry Ford seorang yang bukan Muslim, tetapi pendedahannya tentang rancangan jahat Zionis, tidak harus dipandang sebelah mata oleh umat Islam. Ini adalah kerana rancangan tersebut juga mempunyai kesan dan impak yang sangat hebat terhadap kemusnahan pemikiran dan moral muda-mudi Islam masakini. Oleh itu kami mengambil peluang ini untuk mengkaji kesan-kesan dalam rancangan jahat yang terkandung dalam Protokol Zionis ini terhadap umat Islam.

Apa yang terkandung dalam Protokol Zionis ini?

Protokol ini mengandungi 24 perancangan untuk menakluk dunia. Tetapi kami cuma akan membincangkan sebahagian dari protokol-protokol tersebut. Jika ada peluang kami akan cuba membincangkan protokol yang lain di masa hadapan.

Menurut Henry Ford dalam koleksi artikelnya yang dibukukan menjadi buku yang bertajuk “The International Jew”, ada 24 Protokol untuk Zionis menakluk dunia, sebahagiannya adalah:

Protocol IV - Destroy God (Memusnahkan Tuhan)

Protocol VI – Wages and Inflation (Gaji dan Inflasi)

Protocol VII - World Wide Wars (Perperangan seluruh dunia)

Protocol IX - Re-Education (Mengubah dasar pendidikan)

Protocol XII - Control of Press (Mengawal media)

Protocol XIII – Distractions (Memesongkan perhatian/akidah)

Protocol XIV – Assault on Religion (Asakan terhadap ugama)

Protocol XX - Financial Program (RIBA) (Merubah dasar kewangan)

Protocol XXII - Power of Gold (Kuasa Emas)

Jika kita lihat tajuknya sahaja sudah menggerunkan bukan? Tetapi itulah hakikatnya. Jika kita amati perancangan ini, kita akan dapati, ianya benar-benar berlaku dimasakini. Kami akan cuba membincangkan Protokol-protokol diatas sebaik mungkin berdasarkan terjemahan dari buku tersebut. Sekiranya tersalah, harap maafkan kami kerana bahasa Protokol ini tidak mudah untuk difahami.

Protokol Ke-4 : Destroy God (Memusnahkan Tuhan)

Tidak perlu kita sangkal lagi, umat Islam masakini lebih bertuhankan manusia, harta kekayaan dan kuasa. Kita boleh lihat sendiri, tatkala adanya rancangan AF, M. Idol, I. Kecil, Gang*** dan banyak lagi rancangan yang mengangung-agungkan manusia, umat Islam lah yang paling banyak mengundi dan menghabiskan duit untuk program-program ini. Amat sayang sekali harta yang dimiliki dihabiskan kejalan ini. Tidak cukup dengan remaja Islam, kanak-kanak Islam pun disogokkan dengan rancangan berupa Idola ini. Ada satu artikel yang menarik perhatian kami yang disiarkan dalam majalah Milenia Februari 2009, bertajuk ‘Kanak-kanak dan Berhala Hiburan’. Disini, majalah tersebut mengatakan perkataan Idola lahir dari perkataan Idol yang bermakna berhala. Dan sebelum kedatangan Islam, masyarakat Jahiliyah menyembah berhala-berhala sebagai Tuhan mereka. Kami berpendapat, dimasakini, Idol atau berhala bukan lagi dalam bentuk patung-patung, tetapi dalam bentuk manusia lain atau lain-lain medium seperti permainan, kartun, teknologi maklumat dan sebagainya, cumanya kita tidak sedar ianya berlaku. Umat Islam mungkin sudah tidak sedar atau tidak perasan yang kita lebih mengagung-agungkan perkara lain selain Allah. Oleh itu, kita secara suka-rela memuja-muja artis itu ini, walaupun bakatnya bukan tahap mana pun. Kita beri alasan, alah suka-suka sahaja. Tetapi itulah yang dikehendaki oleh Zionis. Zionis memang mahukan kita memusnahkan Tuhan kita sendiri. Dengan cara memalingkan muka dan perhatian kita kearah lain, kearah yang lebih menarik, kacak, cantik, seksi, manja dan sebagainya. Sedangkan yang menarik, kacak, cantik, seksi, manja itu hanyalah luarannya sahaja. Malahan ianya tidak kekal, ianya boleh ditarik sekelip mata oleh Allah. Jadi umat Islam masakini cuma mengamalkan budaya Islam tetapi imannya kosong. Bayangkan sekiranya ini sudah menjadi kebiasaan bagi umat Islam, akhirnya mungkin kita tidak terjebak dengan syirik besar, tetapi kita bergelumang dengan syirik kecil yang kita sendiri tidak perasan atau tidak sedar membuatnya.

Protokol Ke-6 : Wages and Inflation (Gaji dan Inflasi)

Protokol ini amat menarik kerana semua orang mengalaminya tetapi tidak tahu kenapa. Pernah tidak kita lihat dalam TV, orang ramai di temuduga tentang harga barangan yang naik tetapi gaji tidak naik-naik. Itulah perancangan Zionis sebenarnya. Tetapi rancangan asal Zionis ini sebenarnya berbunyi begini setelah diterjemah “Kita akan menaikkan gaji, tetapi ia tidak akan membawa kebaikan kepada pekerja kerana dalam masa yang sama kita akan menaikkan harga barangan keperluan, dan kita berpura-pura memberi alasan itu adalah kerana kekurangan dalam pertanian dan kenaikan dalam pemeliharaan lembu”. Jadi sekarang anda tahulah kenapa gaji kita tidak pernah cukup? Puncanya, dalam Protokol ke-6, Zionis akan melaksanakan sistem pekerjaan yang mana gajinya akan naik setiap tahun, tetapi tak bererti apa-apa kepada kita, kerana harga barangan melambung-lambung naik, dan seperti biasa mereka akan beri alasan supply and demand (penawaran dan permintaan). Kalau benarlah harga barang naik disebabkan kerana supply and demand, kenapa apabila supply terlebih atau demand terkurang, harga barang terus juga naik tidak turun-turun? Malahan situasi sekarang lebih buruk kerana harga barang naik, gaji tidak pula naik. Kalau naik pun terlalu minimal, tidak setimpal dengan kenaikan harga barang. Dan tidak dapat disangkal sistem pekerjaan sebegini berlaku dimana-mana didunia ini. Berjayalah juga nampaknya Zionis dalam mengawal sistem pekerjaan didunia ini.

Protokol Ke-7: World Wide Wars (Perperangan diseluruh dunia)

Sesiapa yang pernah menonton video atau dokumentari “Confronting The Evidence: A Call to Reopen The Sept.11 Investigation” akan mengetahui sesetengah kejadian direka untuk menghalalkan perperangan. Serangan ke atas WTC, Amerika Syarikat digunakan untuk menghalalkan perperangan keatas Afghanistan kerana kononnya Osama Ben Laden yang memulakan serangan keatas Amerika Syarikat bersembunyi dinegara tersebut. Tetapi mengapa setelah Osama Ben Laden meninggalkan negara tersebut, tentera Amerika Syarikat tidak meninggalkan negara tersebut? Malahan baru-baru ini Presiden Amerika Syarikat bercadang untuk menghantar lebih banyak tentera ke sana (

Seterusnya serangan ke-atas Iraq dilakukan atas alasan mereka memiliki senjata pemusnah yang merbahaya. Yang akhirnya membawa kepada penangkapan Saddam Hussein dan pembunuhannya. Sehingga kini, tidak terjumpa senjata tersebut di Iraq tetapi ketuanya dan rakyatnya telah dihukum tanpa sebab. Jika anda menghadiri Peace Conference anjuran Perdana Leadership Foundation naungan Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, pada bulan Oktober yang lepas di PWTC, anda akan kagum bagaimana mereka boleh memerangi sebuah negara, ketuanya dengan rakyatnya sekali, tetapi tidak dikenakan apa-apa hukuman. Apa yang membuatkan Amerika Syarikat, Britain dan negara-negara lain yang bersekongkol memerangi negara Islam ini ‘above the law’? Ini adalah kerana Protokol Ke-7 menghalalkan perperangan diseluruh dunia.

Yang menjadi mangsa adalah wanita-wanita dan kanak-kanak Islam. Kami pernah terbaca dalam sebuah majalah wanita, wanita Iraq terpaksa melacurkan diri kerana tiada suami, tiada punca mata-pencarian, tiada bantuan dan mempunyai anak-anak yang ramai. Cuba anda bayangkan wanita yang menutup aurat ini terpaksa menjual diri untuk meneruskan kehidupannya dan anak-anaknya. Adakah anda tahu mereka terpaksa menjual diri kepada siapa? Mereka terpaksa menjual diri kepada tentera-tentera Amerika yang sedang bertugas disana.

Protokol ke-9: Re-education (Mengubah dasar pendidikan)

Kita juga sedia maklum, dasar pendidikan kita dari dahulu memisahkan sekolah dan ugama. Ada sesetengah akan berkata, subjek Ugama dan Bahasa Arab ada diajar disekolah-sekolah. Benar, tetapi adakah subjek-subjek lain diterapkan unsur ugama? Cuba kita lihat, matapelajaran Sains atau Matematik. Adakah terdapat unsur agama dalam matapelajaran-matapelajaran ini? Dalam semua subjek yang diajar disekolah, tidak disertakan dengan sokongan ayat-ayat Quran atau hadis atau paling kurang cerita Rasul atau Nabi. Jika subjek Sains, semuanya disokong dengan ujikaji. Sebagai contoh, kejadian sel dan tubuh manusia (juga dikatakan berkaitan dengan Teori Big Bang). Menurut Dr. Nordin Darus dalam bukunya Water for Life, 70 % tubuh manusia adalah air. Bagi bayi yang baru lahir 97% komponen tubuhnya adalah air, manakala dewasa 75% air. Otak manusia mempunyai 74.5% kandungannya yang terdiri dari air, manakala darah 83% adalah air, buah pinggang 82.7 % air, otot 75.6% air. Malahan bahagian tubuh manusia yang pejal seperti tulang mengandungi 22% air dan gigi 2% air. Ujikaji Sains telah membuktikan dan mengesahkan ini, tetapi setakat itu sahaja. Ianya tidak dikembangkan dengan ayat Quran, seperti Surah Anbiyaa’, Ayat 30:

Dan apakah orang-orang kafir tidak mengetahui bahawasanya langit dan bumi itu keduanya dahulu adalah suatu dan padu, kemudian Kami pisahkan antara keduanya. Dan dari air Kami jadikan segala sesuatu yang hidup. Maka mengapakah mereka tiada juga beriman?

Alangkah bagusnya kalau kita dapat menerapkan unsur agama dalam subjek, kerana ini akan memantapkan iman anak-anak kepada kebesaran Allah. Anak-anak akan faham walau bagaimanapun dunia ini beroperasi semuanya adalah atas kehendak Allah dan semuanya di dunia ini adalah ciptaan Allah s.w.t semata-mata.

Itu belum lagi diperingkat Universiti yang mana semakin jauh terpesong subjek yang diajar dengan ugama. Apakan tidak, hampir kesemua buku-buku teks baik tentang perbankan dan kewangan, pemasaran, ekonomi, pengurusan, perakaunan, perubatan dan banyak lagi adalah datang dari negara-negara Barat. Adakalanya penulisnya pun berbangsa Yahudi. Tidak ada langsung cerita keugamaan dalam buku-buku teks ini. Yang ada hanyalah bagaimana hendak memaksimakan keuntungan, meningkatkan penjualan (tidak kiralah kalau terpaksa menipu pelanggan sekalipun), memanipulasi keinginan manusia sehingga ketahap maksima. Sebab itulah lahirnya pekerja-pekerja dan majikan-majikan masakini yang membuat keputusan langsung tidak menitikberatkan keperimanusiaan. Majikan akan buat keputusan sehabis boleh memerah pekerja sehingga tidak ada masa untuk beribadat, keluarga dan istirehat. Pekerja pula tidak jujur dalam pekerjaan atau melepaskan stress kepada keluarga dan perkara-perkara haram. Jika kita amati, kebanyakan subjek-subjek ini mengajar kita untuk lebih membuat kerosakan di dunia. Contohnya tentang faedah berganda atau compounding interest (dalam subjek time value of money dan inflation), tentang hutang (debt financing, loan dan accounting), tentang ketamakan dan untung (maximizing Shareholders wealth, bukannya people’s wealth), tentang riak (branding), tentang manipulasi dan eksploitasi (adverstisements), tentang ekonomi kapitalis (economy), tentang pengurusan barat yang tidak berTuhan (KPI, 360 dan 720 degree, Balancescorecard) dan banyak lagi yang tidak tertulis disini. Sedangkan Allah sudah memberi amaran kepada kita dalam Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 60:

Dan ingatlah ketika Musa memohon air untuk kaumnya, lalu Kami berfirman: “Pukullah batu itu dengan tongkatmu”. Lalu memancarlah daripadanya dua belas mata air. Sungguh tiap-tiap suku telah mengetahui tempat minumnya masing-masing. Makan dan minumlah rezeki yang diberikan Allah dan janganlah kamu berkeliaran di muka bumi dengan berbuat kerosakan.

Tetapi lihatlah masakini, tidak henti-henti manusia melakukan kerosakan, tidak kira terhadap diri sendiri, orang disekeliling dan juga kepada persekitaran hasil dari sistem pendidikan yang tidak berteraskan ugama. Kerana, ugama apa sekalipun akan mengajar umatnya tentang kesejahteraan hidup untuk diri sendiri dan manusia lain. Apabila tidak ada unsur ini, manusia melakukan sesuatu atas kehendak diri semata-mata.

Maka berjayalah Protokol ke-9 ini untuk mengubah dasar pendidikan umat Islam dan juga umat-umat ugama lain.


Buku penuh Henry Ford: 941 muka surat (termasuk indeks)

Ringkasan buku penuh Henry Ford: 262 muka surat (termasuk indeks)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Adakah Perjuangan Dinar Perjuangan Bukan Muslim?

Founder of Modern Days Gold Dinar: Brother Umar Vadillo

Orang Lama Perjuangan Dinar Emas: Brother Abdul Halim

Salam Aidil Fitri dan Maaf Zahir Batin kami ucapkan kepada pembaca-pembaca setia blog ini, sekaligus memohon maaf kerana tidak dapat menghasilkan bahan bacaan ilmiah sepanjang bulan Ramadhan yang lepas.

Setelah menghadiri Seminar SEDINAR 2009 yang berlansung di ILIM dibulan Ramadhan yang lepas, kami berasa agak terkeliru dengan perkembangan semasa Dinar. Antara isu yang menjadi persoalan besar kini, adalah seperti tajuk diatas “Adakah Perjuangan Dinar, Perjuangan Bukan Muslim?”. Terdapat berbagai reaksi hasil dari SEDINAR 2009, dan yang paling ketara ialah dimana salah satu pembentang kertas kerjanya seorang yang bukan Islam. Tidak dapat disangkal ada sesetengah bukan Islam (non-Muslim) yang lebih arif dengan permasaalahan dalam Islam, seperti contoh, bangsa Yahudi sendiri pun lebih arif tentang Al-Quran dari orang Islam sendiri. Malahan mereka sanggup berbelanja berjuta Ringgit untuk mengkaji Al-Quran.

Tetapi patutkah kita yang memanggil diri kita Islam membiarkan bukan Islam lebih mahir tentang ugama kita? Dimanakah letaknya maruah kita? Tidakkah kita malu, seorang yang bukan Islam menyuruh kita memperbetulkan muamalat kita sedangkan yang bercakap itu sendiri tidak faham muamalat Islam? Seperti contoh, dia memberitahu kita supaya menggunakan Dinar, tetapi dalam masa yang sama membenarkan beli balik Dinar (buyback Dinar). Contohnya, kalau beli Dinar dari dia, orang tersebut boleh menjual balik Dinar kepada dia. Cuba lihat implikasi kepada proses ini. Promosi permulaan ialah menggalakan orang membeli Dinar atas alasan untung simpan Dinar, beli murah selepas itu bila harga naik jual balik. Itu adalah teori mana-mana buku pelaburan (investment) iaitu buy low, sell high. Jadi orang membeli dengan harapan harga naik nanti mereka akan jual. Tidakkah ini sama dengan orang akan beli disebabkan "betting” atau "speculate" yang harga akan naik? Bukankah ‘betting’ dan 'speculating' menyamai perjudian? Perlu diingatkan terdapat satu gari halus yang membezakan pelaburan dan perjudian. Yang pertama membuatkan anda mendapat rezeki yang halal dan yang kedua menyebabkan anda menyuap makanan kepada keluarga dengan pendapatan yang haram. Ini tidaklah boleh diambil mudah dan ditutup sebelah mata semata-mata kerana keuntungan membeli dan menjual Dinar. Adakah wajar kita terapkan unsur perjudian dalam perjuangan Dinar? Sekiranya ini berterusan, bukannya kita menjadi umat yang semakin mulia dan kuat dari segi ekonomi, malah kita akan menjadi umat yang lebih tersesat, terlalai dan tamak.

Bangunlah sahabat-sahabat sekelian, kita tidak perlu non-Muslim memberitahu kita apa yang benar dan apa yang patut dibuat. Dalam Al-Quran sudah mencatatkan segala-gala yang kita hendak tahu. Bacalah dan minta petunjuk Allah, bukan petunjuk non-Muslim. Kita sudah tersesat dengan perbankan Islam, mahukah kita terus menerus disesatkan dalam bab Dinar?

Janganlah kerana RM, kita lalai dan terlupa tanggungjawab kita sesama Islam, kerana sesungguhnya, seorang Islam itu dengan seorang Islam yang lain adalah bersaudara, seperti sabda Rasulullullah (salallahualaihiwassalam) dalam khutbahnya yang terakhir. Mahukah kita mengambil seorang non-Muslim sebagai saudara kita? Bolehkah kita percaya ketulusan dan keikhlasan mereka dalam membantu Umat Islam? Rasulullah (salallahualaihiwassalam) pernah cuba membuat perjanjian dengan non-Muslim tetapi dikecewakan oleh mereka. Bacalah kisah perperangan Uhud dimana Umat Islam dikalahkan oleh salah satu sebabnya, bangsa Yahudi yang membuat perjanjian dengan Rasulullah (salallahualaihiwassalam) berpaling tadah dengan beliau dan membantu bangsanya sendiri. Sejarah menunjukkan Umat Islam hancur dan kalah kerana bersekongkol dengan non-Muslim dan hipokrisi Umat Islam itu sendiri. Di penghujung hari, sekiranya diminta mereka memilih antara kita atau saudara mereka, mereka tentunya akan memilih saudara mereka.

Kita selalu mendengar ramai Muslim menolak barangan atau servis dari Muslim kerana kononnya tidak berkualiti, lambat, tidak menguntungkan dan bermacam-macam kekurangan. Tetapi ketahuilah, kekurangan ini semua hanya dimata kita. Tetapi tidak bagi Allah. Cuba kita fikirkan sejenak, adakah Allah dan Rasulullah (salallahualaihiwassalam ) lebih suka kita membantu non-Muslim atau sesama Muslim? Tidak kira apa masalah atau kekurangan semasa berurusan dengan Muslim, kita akan mendapat ganjaran pahala. Tentunya Allah akan lebih gembira dengan kita kerana kita membantu hambaNya, yang percaya akanNya dan yang menyembahNya, bukan yang lain. Kesabaran kita berurusan dengan Muslim juga akan mendapat ganjaran pahala kerana Allah tidak menjadikan sesuatu itu sia-sia.

Oleh itu sahabat-sahabat sekelian, cubalah renungkan muhasabah diri kami di sepanjang bulan Ramadhan dan kini Syawal seperti yang diatas. Dan bantulah kami membantu Muslim.

Berikut adalah keluhan hati rakan seperjuangan kami yang ‘struggling’ dalam bidang perniagaan yang kami mahu kongsi bersama anda. Sekali lagi, tidak kira apa bangsa dan warna kulit sekalipun, selagi kita seorang Muslim, kita adalah bersaudara. Hayatilah penulisan saudara kita ini:

The Rights wrote:

Assalammualaikum WBKT,

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan dan Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua Ahli-Ahli Usahawan The RIGHTS diseluruh negara. Mungkin agak terlambat untuk mengucapkan salam RAMADHAN namun saya percaya bahawa kita semua sedang berusaha memenuhi tuntutan Allah ini.

Dan tidak lama lagi kita akan pula menyambut Syawal, menyambut kemenangan melawan nafsu selama sebulan dan diharap selepas itu, kita akan terus melawan nafsu nafsi kita bagi bulan-bulan seterusnya.

Banyak perkara telah dilalui The RIGHTS di sepanjang beberapa bulan ini, kekadang membuat saya hampir HILANG KEYAKINAN dan PATAH SEMANGAT terhadap apa yang sedang saya lakukan ini. Pelbagai masalah bukan sahaja dengan The RIGHTS tetapi dengan sebahagian kecil daripada kita yang telah mencemarkan The RIGHTS dengan pelbagai isu sehingga saya terpaksa melakukan beberapa rombakan terhadap organisasi The RIGHTS.

Namun tidak kurang juga kejayaan yang dapat diraih oleh The RIGHTS, terutama The RIGHTS Bio Keli Industries Berhad, RightShoppe International Berhad (Johor), RightShoppe (Putrajaya) Berhad dan beberapa lagi.

Pun begitu beberapa peluang perniagaan lain juga diperolehi seperti mengedar pakaian seragam sekolah, lesen memborong gula, penghasilan produk halal, pembangunan The RIGHTS Mall di Kelantan dan Selangor dan lain-lain.

The RIGHTS juga telah dikunjungi oleh beberapa organisasi swasta dan kerajaan untuk melihat projek dan model perniagaan yang sedang dilakukan oleh The RIGHTS untuk kepentingan ahli-ahlinya.

Berbalik HILANG KEYAKINAN dan PATAH SEMANGAT, saya telah dihadiahkan sebuah buku Motivasi Ummah bertajuk "BERANI" yang ditulis oleh Sheikh Paiman Salleh. Buku yang ditulis beliau sangat bersahaja dan mudah difahami namun kata-kata beliau sungguh memberikan semangat kembali kepada saya untuk terus berjuang dengan lebih gigih dan bersemangat, antara yang di tulis "OIC yang ditubuhkan sebagai badan dunia Islam untuk membantu; pun tidak melakukan apa-apa. Malahan mereka telah menjadi 'Badan Antarabangsa Paling Dayus' abad ini dan terus bercakaran sesama sendiri.

Sengatnya telah pupus dan taringnya telah patah. Mereka telah menjadi seperti lembu dicucuk hidung dan menunggu untuk disembelih. Pemimpin masing-masing nak jadi ayam jaguh dunia Islam. Tetapi apabila musang menghampiri, semua cabut lari dan tidak berani berkokok lagi.

Ada juga pemimpin dikalangan mereka yang bersungguh untuk melakukan sesuatu, tetapi ada pula yang lain menekan dan memulas. Saya mengesyorkan OIC, iaitu Organisation of Islamic Community ditukar sahaja namanya kepada 'Organisation of I Community'. Ini kerana nampaknya masing-masing mementingkan I (saya) daripada semangat kekitaan Islam.

Oleh kerana mementingkan diri sendiri semata-mata mereka sanggup berkomplot dengan musuh untuk membunuh saudara sendiri. Ini jelas terbukti tatkala berlakunya Peperangan Teluk beberapa tahun yang lalu.

Begitu juga PBB, Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu wajar ditukar kepada 'Pertubuhan Berbalah dan Bagi! Pertubuhan si luncai ini akan bersatu di kalangan yang sama fahaman untuk mencetuskan penjajahan atau berpura berbalah sesama mereka, menjajah dan membahagi-bahagikan apa yang dapat dirampas di antara mereka. Ini jelas terbukti sepanjang ia ditubuhkan.

Tak perlulah saya perpanjangkan permasalahan ini; nanti ada yang termuntah kerana jelak mendengar cerita yang sama setiap hari.

Lagipun saya ini bukanlah pandai sangat tentang dunia politik. Apa lagi persoalan antarabangsa. Saya sekadar ingan melepaskan secebis apa yang terbuku di dalam hati untuk renungan kita bersama sekali lagi. Semoga kita tidak akan terus menerus menjadi mangsa penipuan percaturan dunia di rumah putih atau rumah merah yang boleh memesongkan kita dan anak cucu kita.

Saya merasa sangat yakin bahawa, telah sampai masanya kita mengkaji semula dasar dalam dan luar negeri kita. Sama ada akan terus menyertai gabungan-gabungan antarabangsa yang sudah menjadi 'gila' atau 'gila-gila' dan telah hilang pedoman kemanusiaan. Kita wajar mengkaji semula sistem kehidupan kita sendiri dan tidak terus mengikut sistem barat atau timur yang telah jelas membuktikan kepincangan yang merugikan.

Kita telah ada sistem yang TERBAIK yang wajib kita imani dan amalkan. Biarlah kita dibenci, tetapi berindentiti. Biarlah kita dicaci, asalkan berjiwa murni. Biarkan kita dimarah, asalkan kita bermaruah. Walaupun kita dicap sebagai kuasa kecil, tetapi kecil-kecilan cili api dan kecil sebagai sang kancil yang cerdik bukan lembu gemuk yang tongong.

Biar mereka kata, mereka kuasa besar, tetapi Allah Maha Besar adalah KUASA PALING BESAR; bukan mereka yang besar. Biar kalah bertarung tetapi tidak mengalah dikalung. Itulah umat dan bangsa yang gagah. Ingat pada pesanan junjungan BESAR Nabi Muhamad SAW, bahawa jika Allah mahu tolong kita, tidak ada kuasa yang boleh mengekang, walaupun semua manusia dan jin diseluruh dunia ini bergabung tenaga.

Semua ini hanya akan kita capai sekiranya kita menjadikan diri sebagai umat Islam yang BERANI. Kita tidak takut pada kehilangan harta atau nyawa bagi mempertahankan maruah Islam yang sedang dicemar di seluruh pelusuk dunia. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa apa yang sedang berlaku adalah Islam sedang diuji. Saya berkata dengan tegas, jelas dan keyakinan yang padat lagi bulat tanpa merasa ragu atau was-was, bahawa bukan Islam yang sedang diuji. Islam yang tetap suci sepanjang zaman tak perlu diuji lagi. Yang sedang diuji bukanlah Islam, tetapi UMAT ISLAM itu sendiri. Ujiannya ialah adakah umat yang memanggil diri mereka itu sebagai Islam, benar-benar mengamalkan Islam? Adakah mereka beriman sepenuhnya kepada Islam? Adakah mereka patuh kepada perintah Allah yang menurunkan Islam? Adakah mereka mengikut ajaran Rasul yang membawa Islam? Adakah mereka mengamalkan ajaran Kitab Suci Islam?

Jika kita benar - benar mengaku Islam dan beriman kepada agama suci ini, kita tidak akan takut kepada kuasa selain Allah, walau sebesar mana sekalipun.

Jika kita benar - benar mengaku Islam kita tidak akan mengamalkan sistem hidup selain sistem Islam.

Jika kita benar - benar mengaku Islam kita tidak akan membiarkan Islam dicaci dan dihina sewenang-wenangnya.

Jika kita benar - benar mengaku Islam, kita tidak akan berbunuhan sesama Islam. Malahan kita akan bersatu padu dan mengumpul segala kekuatan yang ada untuk membantu saudara Islam kita dimanapun mereka berada. Tidak kira warna kulit, dalam atau luar negeri. Kita juga tidak akan berdengki sesama kita. Malahan kita akan bergembira jika saudara sendiri yang berjaya.

Dan jika kita benar-benar mengaku Islam, kita tidak akan takut kepada sesiapa atau apapun melainkan Allah. Kita akan menjadi umat paling BERANI di muka bumi ini, kita akan dihormati, disanjungi dan digeruni atau ditakuti jika perlu".

The Rights Privilege Berhad


Kami agak terkilan gambar-gambar dari blog ini yang disiarkan dalam Montaj SEDINAR 2009 tidak diberi kredit dengan sewajarnya. Tetapi disebabkan semangat setiakawan, kami menutup sebelah mata diatas kesilapan tersebut.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Berhati-hati Semasa Mendapatkan Dinar Emas

Assalamualaikum Semua,
Memandangkan sekarang sudah banyak pihak-pihak yang menjual Dinar Emas, kami ingin mengingatkan pembaca supaya berhati-hati dalam mendapatkan Dinar Emas. Ini adalah kerana tidak semua syarikat-syarikat atau individu yang benar-benar ikhlas mahu membantu anda mendapatkannya, ada juga yang melakukannya atas dasar keuntungan semata-mata. Sememangnya Allah mengangkat darjat emas dan perak dengan menyebutnya didalam Al-Quran sebagai harta yang berharga sehingga ianya wajib dizakatkan. Tetapi, ada pihak-pihak yang mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengautkan keuntungan. Oleh itu, sebelum mendapatkannya, ambil perhatian atas berberapa perkara seperti dibawah:

1) Siapa yang menjual Dinar Emas tersebut, adakah individu tersebut sudah lama dalam bidang itu, atau orang baru? Seelok-eloknya ambil masa untuk mengenali karakter orang tersebut dengan bertanyakan banyak soalan tentang Dinar Emas dan latarbelakangnya. Pastikan anda tidak dipaksa untuk membeli daripadanya secepat mungkin. Dan pastikan informasi yang diberi tidak bercanggah. Contohnya, minggu lepas cakap lain, minggu ini cakap lain. Setelah anda betul-betul yakin, barulah berurusan selanjutnya dengan orang tersebut.
2) Apa pengetahuan yang dia ada dalam Dinar Emas? Samada dia melakukannya dengan ikhlas untuk membantu Ummah atau memperkatakan tentang untung semata-mata. Ini adalah kerana ramai yang kehilangan duit untuk membeli Dinar Emas tetapi tertipu dengan cerita keuntungan sebegini.
3) Sekiranya syarikat yang menguruskan penjualan, pastikan kesahihan kewujudan syarikat tersebut. Perhatikan prosesnya samada ada "terlalu bagus" atau tidak. Adakalanya yang terlalu bagus, tidak semestinya bagus. Mungkin indah khabar dari rupa. Tunjukkan dan bincangkan operasi syarikat tersebut kepada rakan-rakan atau sesiapa yang mahir tentang Dinar Emas.
4) Lakukan banyak analisa dengan membuat rujukan di internet dan bertanya kepada kawan-kawan atau memasuki forum yang bercerita tentang Dinar Emas. Perhatikan feedback orang lain tentang sesuatu jenis Dinar.
5) Ambil masa untuk menyimpan dalam Dinar Emas, anda tidak perlu rasa terburu-buru. Memang elok jika dapat menyimpannya dengan segera, tetapi anda perlu mempersiapkan diri anda dalam ilmu Dinar Emas, iaitu benar-benar memahami kenapa anda perlu menyimpannya dan dari siapa anda patut mendapatkannya.
6) Banyak-banyak bersabar untuk mendapatkannya, kerana yang baik itu kadang-kadang sukar, tetapi yang tidak baik senang sahaja nak mendapatkannya.

Sekiranya ada sesiapa yang nak menambah lagi, silakan di bahagian forum kerana perkara yang baik elok dikongsi bersama.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Pasangan Dang Suria Zainurdin Dan Ad Samad Menggunakan Dinar Emas 999 Sebagai Mas Kahwin

Pasangan Bahagia Ad Samad & Dang Suria

Mas Kahwin Ad Samad & Dang Suria 1 Dinar Emas

Alhamdulillah, pada 27 Jun, 2009 Dang Suria dan Ad Samad selamat diijab kabulkan sebagai suami isteri yang sah. Mereka menggunakan 1 Dinar Emas 999 (Logam Mulia) sebagai maskahwin. Dinar yang didapati dari Encik Halim ini siap dengan kotak yang terukir perkataan 'Kupersembahkan Untuk Isteriku Tercinta'. Acara berlangsung dengan lancar dan meriah. Kami disini mendoakan pasangan ini kekal dan bahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat. Dan semoga langkah ini dicontohi oleh ramai lagi pasangan yang akan mendirikan rumahtangga. Amiin.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How to get the gold dinar economy up and running?

Alhamdulillah, some admirable Muslims have previously talked to shop owners and petrol station owners to persuade them to accept dinars as payment for goods. Some success has been made, but still, trade in dinar (and dirham) is negligible.

Trying to increase awareness and acceptance of dinar/dirham trade is far more challenging than simply getting dinars and dirham into the hands of Muslims (and non-Muslims too!). Another critical problem is that to have the greatest degree of success, gold trading should take place in as closed a system as possible. Gold 'leakage' means fiat currency must be used to replace gold that has left the system, maintaining the 'need' for fiat.

But once again, an example of Islamic economics, or perhaps more correctly: 'systems closer to that advocated by Islam'; relative to what we use today, is demonstrated in the non-Muslim world.

"North Carolina Town Prints Own Currency to Support Local Business"


While there are plenty of questions about the 'plenty', i.e. as to its "Islamicness", but it shows dinar and dirham based trading can be done - simply replace a 'plenty' with a dirham. In fact, it is quite amazing that non-Muslims are doing this when it is actually easier for gold and silver to circulate compared to plenty's, due to their greater acceptability and recognised value. Not only that, but the non-Muslims, unlike us are not bound by the acceptance to follow the prescribed laws of Allah, yet they are succeeding.

I suspect economic education amongst the urbanised Muslims is a key factor here and may account for the difference in attitude and motivation between Muslims and non-Muslims.

If you have experience about or suggestions on dinar and dirham micro-economy, or are a trader who would like to get involved in a dinar/dirham basis of trade, please feel free to contribute your comments/suggestions here.



Monday, April 20, 2009


Assalamualaikum. - article updated 20th April 2009 (malam)

Since becoming interested in gold, I've had differing opinions about e-gold. Actually, my opinion on the matter isn't important. What is important, is whether e-gold agrees with Islamic economics.

Have you noticed the words "Islamic economics" are never used, rather, the words "Islamic principles" are used in their place? I don't think this is simply a 'language' issue, but is done so by careful selection.

Today’s economic system, including that which claims to be "Islamic", is not what the prophet was exposed to. Neither is it a system he endorsed - If I am wrong, please let me know.

Shouldn't we be reluctant to believe that the economic system we have today, is simply because, as it is claimed, human society has 'developed'. Surely that poetic claim is illegitimate? The reason being: the act of buying and selling has never changed. It's a fundamental of human society.

Further, our "Islamic banking" didn't emerge during the history of Islam. No! It is the child of a non-Islamic mother. Isn't it the case that modern day banking was looked upon by Islamic eyes, leading to 'Islamic explanations' and interpretations of Islam to declare it (albeit with modifications) as being "Islamic". Has this child simply been given an Islamic name?

Isn't this why the term "Islamic principles" i.e. interpretation based (to which we are entitled to ask whose interpretation?) is used instead of "Islamic economics", i.e. the clear sunnah of the prophet?

So what of e-gold? Of course e-gold never existed in the time of the prophet, and so, as argued earlier, it shouldn't be classified as "Islamic economics" but as being in the realm of "Islamic principles" instead.

We should ask: "Is e-gold just a modernism that is questionable on Islamic grounds?" and does Allah(SWT) give us ley-way here for e-gold? Please note: I'm distinguishing e-gold from trade involving real actual physical gold,

I ask this question after having the privilege of attending an excellent talk yesterday by Dr. Ahamed Kameel [profile] at the Al-Hunafa' Association, Taman Tun Dr Ismail. Dr. Kameel proposed e-gold (backed by real gold in a custodians vault) as a method of trading. He mentioned 'swipe-card' local transactions and implied internet transactions. Dr. Kameel strongly and repeatedly recommended people to obtain physical gold also.

The essential questions are these:

(a) Is e-gold "Islamic economics"? - The answer is surely no (discussed earlier).

(b) Are 'Islamic principles' (the category under which e-gold falls) Islamic? - I conclude they can be, as Islam is a guide and does not address every single aspect of physical life and society. I also believe the large majority of 'official Islamic principles' are Islamic, but I am aware as to my pitiful qualification in making that assessment.

(c) Is e-gold in line with Islamic principles? It appears so. 'Fixing with gold' is the essential thing, but HOW it is fixed involves significant differences, and appearances can be deceptive. Generally, the human mind is poor at foreseeing the consequences of its actions, and Interpretation (i.e. what I described as Islamic principles) is fraught with the possibility of bid'ah (innovation). Bid'ah can take us away from the rope of Allah(SWT) so we must be very careful. [Note: there is a debate in itself, as to whether a interpretation of the Divine word can be fallible to error].

Assuming Islam can be conducted via interpretation/s, as seems to be the way the majority of the Muslim world operates, then if it yields harmony, justice and security and a rich environment of Islam to grow and strengthen in, then the interpretation probably was an allowance afforded to us by Allah(SWT). But personal bias must be put to the side, brains switched fully on and supplications given to try and predict likely outcomes before anything is embarked upon.

(d) Is e-gold better than physical trade in gold? I'd have to say no. It ends anonymous transactions, invites Islamic and non-Islamic governments to abuse their power. It allows the possibility of mass spying and other malevolent practices.

(e) Given the answer to part (d), why not simply use physical gold? Let me add at this point that silver and staple foods such as barley, sugar, dates etc, also serve as currency in Islamic economics. Bill Still, director and narrator of the admiral 3.5 hour epic “The Money Masters” is against use of physical gold because he says of it's nature as a limited resource, but Bill did not address the frequency of exchange / turnover factor, and besides, isn't there already enough gold for everyone? Why does anyone need a large amount of money?

I have contemplated physical gold as providing a mechanism to resist/impede megalithic companies from doing what they do so visibly today. I see physical gold as empowering the small local man on the street to be the vice-president of his own company (Allah of course is it's president).

Physical gold as a currency inherently ties it to a locality. Instead of ordering a book about Japan from and paying for it in e-gold, you go to your local bookshop and physically hand over the physical gold to him when he passes you the book, or, you pay an additional small fee to a delivery company to bring it to your doorstep and the delivery man ensures the gold (minus his service fee) is delivered to the local bookshop. The point is, it takes a while for physical gold to leave an area, and its longevity should continue to bring benefit.

I think local economies populated by small businesses are far better for a wholesome way of life - an Islamic way of life - than is offered by big mega companies, whose benefits are largely dishonest propaganda, repeated without due thought by numerous people. The supped benefits big companies bring (e.g. a creator o jobs) would actually equally apply to small businesses taking the place of a large business. Nobody seems to mention what happens to those jobs when the large companies 'tax free' period expires or when a new source of cheap labor is found in some poor highly populated country in the world.

The very existence of ‘Monopolies commissions’ reveals people know the dangers of large businesses.

e-gold would rapidly nullify the 'persistence of gold in the local area' issue, resulting in e-gold delivering a lot of what we already see in today’s global economy.

Do we really want that?

I don't think Islamic economics solely teaches against Riba (Interest rates, fractional reserve banking and fiat currency) and nothing else. My understanding for what it's worth, sees Islamic economics as supporting local sustainability which is going to be ever more important with the onset of peak-oil.

These are my personal ideas from which I hope to learn from, and are not necessarily views associated with that of "thegolddinar" blog.



Sunday, March 15, 2009

What are the Muslims doing?

Are the non-Muslims in this video practicing Islamic principles more than what the Muslims are?

JAK Bank (Sweedish) Report Part 1 of 4 - Ethics

JAK Bank Report Part 2 of 4 - Technics

JAK Bank Report Part 3 of 4 - Loans to members

JAK Bank Report Part 4 of 4 - Support Saving/JAK Diffusion

Shouldn't we learn from this and make effort to practice what clearly Allah(swt) commands us to do? It shows the defense 'we can't help but be part of the usurious system' is baseless.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hadith on Dinar

The following Hadith on Dinar is researched by Abdul Halim b. Abdul Hamid.

Here are some of the authenticated ones, Insya'Allah.

/Book 10, Number 3895: /

Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said to him: I have taken your camel for four dinars, and you may ride upon it to Medina.

/Book 10, Number 3893: /

Jabir b. 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) reported: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) bought a camel from me for two 'uqiyas and a dirham or two dirhams. As he reached Sirar (a village near Medina), he commanded a cow to be slaughtered and it was slaughtered, and they ate of that, and as he (the Holy Prophet) reached Medina he ordered me to go to the mosque and offer two rak'ahs of prayer, and he measured for me the price of the camel and even made an excess payment to me.

/Book 10, Number 3889: /

Jabir reported: We went from Mecca to Medina with Allah's Messenger(may peace be upon him) when my camel fell ill, and the rest of the hadith is the same. (But it in also narrated in it:) He (the Holy Prophet) said to me: Sell your camel to me. I said: No, but it is yours. He said: No. (it can't be), but sell it to me. I said: No, but, Allah's Messenger, it is yours. He said: No, it can't be, but sell it to me. I said: Then give me an 'uqaya of gold for I owe that to a person and then it would be yours. He (the Holy Prophet) said: I take it (for an 'uqiya of gold) and you reach Medina on it. As I reached Medina, Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to Bilal: Give him an 'uqiya of gold and make some extra payment too. He (Jabir) said: He gave me an 'uqiya of gold and made an addition of a qirat. He (Jabir) said: The addition made by Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was with me (as a sacred trust for belssing) and lay with me in a pocket until the people of Syria took it on the Day of Harra.

/Book 10 ,Number 3886: /

Jabir b. 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) reported that he was traveling on his camel which had grown jaded, and he decided to let it off. When Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) met him and prayed for him and struck it, so it trotted as it had never trotted before. He said: Sell it to me for an 'uqaya. I said: No. He again said: Sell it to me. So I sold it to him for an 'uqaya, but made the stipulation that I should be allowed to ride back to my family. Then when I came to (my place) I took the camel to him and he paid me its price in ready money. I then went back and he sent :(someone) behind me (and as I came) he said: Do you see that I asked you to reduce price for buying your camel. Take your camel and your coins; these are yours.

The above is from Sahih Muslim, Book 10: Transactions (Kitab Al-Buyu')

This is also another authentic hadith collected by Imam Abu Dawud in his book Sunan.
/Book 16, Number 3322: /

Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:

A man seized his debtor who owed ten dinars to him. He said to him: I swear by Allah, I shall not leave you until you pay off (my debt) to me or bring a surety. The Prophet (peace be upon him) stood as a surety for him. He then brought as much (money) as he promised. The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked: From where did you acquire this gold? He replied: From a mine. He said: We have no need of it; there is no good in it. Then the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) paid (the debt) on his behalf.

/Book 16, Number 3325: /

Narrated Abu Hurayrah:
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: A time is certainly coming to
mankind when only the receiver of usury will remain, and if he does
not receive it, some of its vapor will reach him. Ibn Isa said:
Some of its dust will reach him.

/Book 16, Number 3327: /

Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas'ud:

The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) cursed the one who accepted
usury, the one who paid it, the witness to it, and the one who
recorded it.

/Book 16, Number 3334: /

Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: (The standard) weight is the
weight of the people of Mecca, and the (standard) measure is the
measure of the people of Medina.

/Book 16, Number 3341: /

Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:

The Prophet (peace be upon him) owed me a debt and gave me something
extra when he paid it.

/Book 16, Number 3343: /

Narrated Ubadah ibn as-Samit:

The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Gold is to be paid
for with gold, raw and coined, silver with silver, raw and coined
(in equal weight), wheat with wheat in equal measure, barley with
barley in equal measure, dates with dates in equal measure, salt by
salt with equal measure; if anyone gives more or asks more, he has
dealt in usury. But there is no harm in selling gold for silver and
silver (for gold), in unequal weight, payment being made on the
spot. Do not sell them if they are to be paid for later. There is no
harm in selling wheat for barley and barley (for wheat) in unequal
measure, payment being made on the spot. If the payment is to be
made later, then do not sell them.

/Book 16, Number 3378: /

Narrated Urwah ibn AbulJa'd al-Bariqi:

The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave him a dinar to buy a
sacrificial animal or a sheep. He bought two sheep, sold one of them
for a dinar, and brought him a sheep and dinar. So he invoked a
blessing on him in his business dealing, and he was such that if had
he bought dust he would have made a profit from it.

/Book 16, Number 3380: /

Narrated Hakim ibn Hizam:

The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) sent with him a dinar to
buy a sacrificial animal for him. He bought a sheep for a dinar,
sold it for two and then returned and bought a sacrificial animal
for a dinar for him and brought the (extra) dinar to the Prophet
(peace be upon him). The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave it as alms
(sadaqah) and invoked blessing on him in his trading.

The above is from Book 16 of Sunan Abu Dawud on "Commercial Transactions (Kitab Al-Buyu)"

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Gold Dinar – An Agenda of Uniting the Muslim Ummah

“Muslim all over the world today is obligated to abandon today’s money @ fiat money and use the sunnah money, which is the gold dinar and silver dirham”. This probably is one harsh statement to be swallowed especially if this is the first time you hear the subject of the gold dinar. However, whether we like it or not, with unbearable war against Islam propagated by America and Israel today, the usage of today’s money makes us part of them. We are responsible for the killings of our innocent Muslims brothers and sisters and our children and our elders in Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, and in all parts of the world because we use today’s so called money.

“How can it be?” would immediately prop up from our mind after reading the previous paragraph. Let me try to explain all the curiosity, but before that, I need to remind all of the readers that in attempting to understand this gold dinar subject, we must be able to think out of the box. The fish that lives in the dirty muddy Klang river besides Masjid Jame’ Kuala Lumpur wouldn’t know that they are living in a dirty river unless they jumped out of it, which would cost their lives – the same with us, if we want to understand that the fiat money system that we embraced ever since we were born is wrong and sinful, we must be able to go out of the norm, and try to understand it without the presence of today’s fiat money system. The difference between the fish and us is that we have “aqal” , while the fish has not, therefore it would not cost our life, if we wanted to know about the real system that we are living in right now. However, this may require a bit of our thinking skills, which I’ll try to guide you through it. If somewhere down the line you get confused, stop and chew on it for a night or two, Insya’Allah ALLAH S.W.T will help you to understand as long as you are sincere in wanting to know about the truth.

First of all we must realize that the money we used today is not money. Money supposedly has intrinsic value by itself, can store value over time and is universally accepted. However, today’s money does not have intrinsic value. A lot of people still think that the paper money that people all over the world are using today is backed by gold, which means we can go to the bank and request for gold in exchange for the paper money that we keep. If that is what you think it is, then you have been outdated for more than 35 years, as way back to 15th of August, 1971, the gold backed system that was agreed in Bretton Woods, 1945 (whereby 1 ounce of gold equal to USD35 has been abandoned by the then American president Richard Nixon). A point to note here is that, America was the one introduced the exchange system between gold and USD, for all other currencies in the world to follow, and they violated their own policy. Why is that so? There must be something very crucial that happened which caused America to take that drastic action. The answer to that is simply because America has issued too many US dollars as compared to their gold reserves, which if the world request for the gold in exchange of their US dollars, America would not be able to cover it, which can cause America to go bankrupt. Definitely no American president will take these chances, therefore the policy to abandon the gold backed system is perfect, let the rest of the world suffer instead. Since 1945 America has brain washed our minds in order to believe that USD is the money, and slowly pulled away gold from the circulation, so that people keeps paper money rather than gold, therefore when they finally abandon the system in 1971, the world get panicked, US dollar value nose dive in the world exchange rate market against other currencies. This is the beginning of the world exchange rate market that we practice today. The value of the currency is no longer based on gold but based on the supply and demand of the currency. The US dollar value drop vigorously because its supply is more than the demand when they broke the policy, however, since the rest of the people in the world, are keeping the US dollar as their store of wealth, because they believed that US dollar is money, its obvious that they would not let the US dollar value to keep on dropping, because that will cause their “wealth” to diminished in its value, when in fact this is not true at all. What the world supposed to do when US abandon the gold backed system, is to also abandon the US dollar and to use a new currency that was backed by gold, but since our mind has been indoctrinated to believe that US dollar is “The Money” and in the midst of panic, the world foolishly decide to upheld the supremacy of the US dollar instead of abandoning it. This decision is one of the biggest mistakes the rest of the world made, because with this decision, US need not have to work on protecting the value of their dollar, since the rest of the world will do it for them. Whenever, the value of US dollar is falling, the rest of the world will buy the US dollar in order to create demand, so that the US dollar will not fall further but will sustain at the satisfied level. What America will do is just to print more USD because they just need to spend on anything they wanted, such as, war mongering and world policeman, while the value of USD is protected by the rest of the world. That is why you see today, when Malaysia do international trade with other nations such as Indonesia, India, China, Japan, and the Middle East, the currency in transaction is the USD, we never use our RM or our trading partner currency. This is because we believe in the USD more as compared to RM or our trading partner currency. Therefore US dollar keeps holding its supremacy value, because of our own unthinkable foolish act of ignorance. When the rest of the world doing trade among them which does not involved America, they thought they never help the US, but instead we actually benefited the US more because we constantly create demand for the US dollar. When the Muslims all over the world raise millions of money to help their fellow Muslims that faced calamity such as in Aceh or even in Palestine or Lebanon, we also help the US because we exchange our fund into US dollar. This is just like giving our Muslims fellows a bread to eat that is contaminated with cyanide.

Today’s money is not money because it cannot store value or wealth. As time flows the money value change. If you keep one US dollar in a box and leave it there for 10 years, what will happen is of course it won't grow more than what it is 10 years ago, but what definitely happen is, the one US dollar cannot buys what it could buy 10 years ago. This is a great example of oppression towards mankind. Imagine a vegetable farmer, who saved his earnings of RM50 a month, hoping to perform Haj in 10 years time, as he knew then that you need somewhat around RM6K to go to Mekah (this is during the early 80’s). In 10 years time the farmer has managed to save RM6K, but unfortunately he was informed that his money is not enough for him to go to Mekah to performed Haj, as the cost to go there is now RM7500 (this is approximate price during the early 90’). The farmer sigh to hear the sad news and wonder when will he be able to go and perform Haj, as he has become old and too weak to work in order to have enough money to go to Mekah. What we were normally informed, was that the price increase because the world oil price increases, inflation, world economy recession, rampant hoarding activities and many others economic jargons terms that makes ordinary people confused. This situation is exactly what they wanted us to be, always stunned, blur, naive and idiot. The reason is simple; if I want to rob your house, I should not tell you anything about it, I must make you look totally ignorant and regard me as the best angel you have ever met. At the end of the day, after your house has been robbed clean by me, you still believe that I’m the best angel you have ever met and you did not know even a single clue what had happened to your house. This is the agenda. If I want to rule the world and to conquer everyone in the world to be my slaves, I should not let you know my plan but my plan must work smoothly without anyone realizing it. So how come the plan exploded now. The planed was now known to only those who think hard enough because their plan is at its peak and almost reaching its goal soon. Knowing it cannot make us stop the agenda from happening because Rasul’Allah S.A.W., 1400 years ago has prophesized this situation to happen – that is the agenda of the Dajjal. All the people of the world have been keeping the paper money which was mistakenly thought as wealth, whilst “they” keep the real store of wealth; that is gold. The printed 1USD paper money described “their” plan regarding the “New World Order” brainchild by Adam Weshaupt in 1775 and was then supported by “The 24th Protocols of Zion by the Elders of Zion”, the one eyed “the all seeing eye – Lucifer (the fallen angel), the unfinished pyramid symbolizing the temple of Solomon and 13 feathers symbolizes the 4 corners of the world. This is the age of the fitans@ fitnah.

The price increase of goods and services are no doubt due to the money that we use today. What actually increase? How can the price increase when there is no different in the product? The petrol in 1970 is still the same petrol in 2006, but why the price increase. It would only be logic for the price increase if the benefit that we got from the product today is more than what it is before. However the fact is not that; rice, flour, sugar, that we bought in the 70’s is still the same today in 2006, but why the price different. The answer to all these is not that the price increase but actually the value of the paper money decreases. As time passes by you need more paper money to buy the same goods because money supply increase due to exorbitant printing of paper money and rampant debt/credit activity.

Another point to be highlighted about today’s money is that, it is not a universally accepted currency; i.e. Yen, cannot be used in Malaysia, Japanese need to exchange the Yen with the RM in order for them to purchase anything here and the same face by the RM in Japan or in any part of the world. The currencies that we called money today are not universally accepted, and cause us to lose its value from the exchange rate, because the money changer would make some exchange profit out of our difficulties. This one phenomenon is the reason why you see rich continues to be richer while the poor remain poorer. The gap is widening between the rich and poor and poverty continues to rise.

The problems caused by the present money system is too much, we had no choice, but to abandoned it before it’s too late. This is something that we can do. The usage of the gold dinar is now revisited.

The word dinar originated from the Roman fine gold coin (solidus) called “denarius”. It is widely used during the beginning of the Islamic civilization in the suq in Madinah. An authenticate hadith narrated by Sahih Muslim, Book 10: Transactions (Kitab Al-Buyu')

Jabir b. 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) reported that he was traveling on his camel which had grown jaded, and he decided to let it off. When Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) met him and prayed for him and struck it, so it trotted as it had never trotted before. He said: Sell it to me for an 'uqaya. I said: No. He again said: Sell it to me. So I sold it to him for an 'uqaya, but made the stipulation that I should be allowed to ride back to my family. Then when I came to (my place) I took the camel to him and he paid me its price in ready money. I then went back and he sent :(someone) behind me (and as I came) he said: Do you see that I asked you to reduce price for buying your camel. Take your camel and your coins; these are yours.

According to the Madinah measurement and Mekah weight used at that period, it is believed that 1 'uqaya is referred to 1 ounce of Roman weight, which equals to 6 mithqal whereby 1 mithqal is equal to a dinar. In other words, the Prophet used 6 dinar @ 1 'uqaya to pay for the camel that he bought. This mean the dinar (solidus gold) is the sunnah money and therefore there is no doubt about it on its usability by the ummah then, today and Insya'Allah forever. During Umar Al-Khattab R.A. the second khaliph of Islam a standard that is, 7 dinar equals to 10 dirham (silver money) is set. The standard weight of a dinar is 1 mithqal and 1 mithqal is equal to 72 grains of barley (Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah). This standard was set to avoid any mishaps in daily muamalat transactions apart from branding the Islamic coinage. At the reign of the Islamic empire the gold dinar is not just an exchange mechanism but also a symbol of wealth, power and strength. However, when the Islamic Khaliph later on did not practice Islam at it utmost, the Islamic fine gold dinar began to diminish. The debasement of the fine gold dinar started. The gold dinar is no more pure but has been mixed with other metal. The Islamic empire began to fall and towards the last Otthoman empire in Turkey, by 1924 the gold dinar can never be found anywhere anymore.

Where does the gold dinar value comes from? Allah SWT has created all the mankind to treasure gold and not other metal. Therefore, gold has intrinsic value by itself. Anywhere in the world people will treasure gold. The value of the gold comes from its weight and measure. The heavier the gold, the more things it can have. The value of the gold does not come from USD or Yen or Euro. We must detach the attachment that we make with gold and the paper money. If you tear a $10 note into 10 pieces, and throw it in the air, most probably no one will try to catch the broken pieces and try to mend it, but if you cut a piece of gold dinar into 10 parts, and as you throw it away, people who sees it will go and look for the broken pieces, because they know each of the broken pieces has value. That is what we called as money – it has intrinsic value and also acceptable anywhere in the world. You don’t need exchange rate system to deal with the gold dinar economy system.

Anyway, why should the Muslim used the gold dinar? Apart from being a sunnah money, the gold dinar is a way for the Muslim to avoid from indulging into RIBA activities. Riba is Haram in Islam. Riba is not just confined to taking usury or interest but according to one hadith sahih, the Prophet S.A.W mention that Riba has 70 branches and the least of these branches sin is similar to committing adultery with your own parents. Astaghfirullah. Today’s fiat money is oppressive in nature and is not a store of wealth, therefore its Riba. This is also the reason why you cannot find the so called “Islamic banking” being fair and Islamic because the “Islamic Bank” used the Riba money in its daily transaction. After all there is no such thing as “Islamic Bank” in Islam, we have the Baitulmal, Zakat, Waqf, Infa’ and Qirad Institution to be proud of actually, which we neglect its real function in promoting the Muslim economy.

When we used gold dinar as the medium of payment, we can ensure that the value never falls as time passes by. The hard earned money now will sustain its value as compared to fiat money. A hard working man will make more money as compared to a lazy man. The one that will be poor and to received zakat money are those that cannot work due to their illnesses either temporary or permanent, children and elderly, mothers that need to look after their small children’s, and students. Other than these people should not be categorized as poor. But look at today’s economy, in Kuala Lumpur a very hard working taxi driver who earned RM800 is consider poor, because the poverty rate in KL is somewhere around RM950, but a legal money lender such as banks that just sit around doing nothing are the ones that makes all the money just by charging interest on the money that they lend to the borrowers. What so difficult and tiresome of doing this kind of job?

Last but not least before I end this crucial topic, the gold dinar is one of the way to unite the Muslim ummah all over the world. If Muslims all over the world unite together to abandoned the US dollar and all other fiat money that associates with it and start to use the gold dinar as our medium of exchange, Insya’Allah we can see the strength of the Muslim ummah will be very great and powerful. The tools and system is already there, its just whether we want it or not. While waiting for the great change to happen globally, on our individual capacity, we can work on minimizing the usage of the present fiat money, and start savings in the form of gold dinar i.e. the ¼ dinar or ½ dinar or 1 dinar, 2 dinar or 4 dinar. When all the Muslim ummah kept the gold dinar then we can start to use it with one another as a medium of exchange, but for the time being start saving in the fine gold dinar and use it for “mas kahwin” or dowry, and in zakat payment as to purify our wealth. Yes, I know this is not easy as I put it here, but somehow we must put an effort to show our sincerity to uplift ourselves and our Muslim ummah to the highest level as it supposed to be, Insya’Allah we can made it. Belief in the sunnah and believe in Allah S.W.T., Insya’Allah the sunnah money that is the dinar and dirham will be the Muslim practice money soon, Ameen.

About the author:
He is an academic at the faculty of Business & Law, Multimedia University (Melaka Campus) since 1997. Have been a consultant, researcher and speaker for the alternative economy since 2002 and even mint his own fine gold dinar. His highest education was obtained from the USA in the area of Finance. He can be reached at 013-6304515.

Note from the author:
The subject of gold dinar is very broad if to be included all in this article. Please do not hesitate to contact the author to further deliberate on the subject.